Saturday, March 8, 2008

High School Experiences

Kat Von D. broke up with Orbie and is dating Nikki Six. I hope this is a short ordeal. Orbie is cute and strange whereas Nikki Six is old and gross. Plus, isn't Orbie the one who held her hand during her operation? Also, Pixie is fired. Ick. Bad feelings.
Her myspace, on which she deleted all pictures of Orbie and has a long blog on firing Pixie:

Current song: "Alala" by Cansei De Ser Sexy

By those people who do that "Music Is My Hot Hot Sex" songs on Apple ads:

This came up on KEXP Seattle online radio the other day and I was singing it all morning. It's a good one.

Now, for the main subject: I went to a highschool dance yesterday. It was really small and pathetic, but I managed to have a good time. Since people complained about strobe light headaches last time, there was not a single source of light. Anyway, this got me thinking about classic highschool dance songs.

1) Apache, Sugarhill Gang

This has to be my favorite, because there is a simple dance attributed to the song. Also, there is spinning involved, so you don't have to see the reactions your peers might have to you getting freaky. Unfortunately, doing this under a strobe light can cause serious vertigo and it is easy to spin yourself out of your group and into random people. When I dance to this, I think I look really cool and awesome. I realize now that I might look like this:

2) What Is Love?, Haddaway

Whether you dance like you're in SNL or at a danceclub in 1996, it's still awesome.

3) Stairway To Heaven, Led Zeppelin

My dad gets pissed that they still play this at the end of every dance, and I admit it is so awkward to sway robotically with a guy you're stuck to for SUCH a long time . When the guitar solo comes in, no one knows what to do. Even after all this trouble with this song, it still feels wrong if the dance doesn't end with it.

4) Cha Cha Slide-

I am a master at this dance. It tells you exactly what to do and I love to see how low I can go. Can I go all the way to flo? Can I bring it to the top, like I'm never gonna stop?
Not only this, I can maneuver my jumping, turning, and sliding so that I can "accidentally" end up by the guy of my choice. Last night, he was four people ahead of me and three people to the right. Halfway in, I was beside him.

Don't pretend like whenever everyone claps their hands, you don't feel absolute joy.

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