Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A Blog About Blogging

I've always wanted to start a blog. I'm sick today and have a lot of time on my hands, so why not? Everyone has a blog, even my mother. I must BLOG.

1) I don't really care if anyone reads my blog. I'll just pretend its really popular.

2) I won't blog about a certain subject (like pretzels throughout the ages). Just whatever subject I want to blog about.

3) I blog NOW!

Things that concern me this week:

1) Diablo Cody -
Why does everyone have such a problem with her? And by everyone, I mean the author of that "Quotey" script:

and Best Week Ever:

And Best Week Ever again:

And SNL:

Is it because she makes up words? Because everyone makes up words. Is it because she was a stripper? Is it because they're jealous? I can't fathom all this hatred!

2) Ellen Page -
Is she a lesbian? I must know!

3) Life Without Buildings - "New Town "(preferably the live at Australia one)
The only youtube existence I could find was a montage of skateboarding, but it's all good:

4) Sneezing

5) Sleeping



SavvyL. said...

Comment me!!!!!!

LittlestWinslow said...

i LOVE nutella.

i also didn't think that anyone had a problem with Diablo....first i've heard!