Friday, March 7, 2008

I Guess This Has Become A Daily Thing

Things that matter today:

1) Feeling far inferior to this thirteen-year-old:

2) Skinny jeans:

I love skinny jeans.
I used to hate them because I couldn't get them over my ankles (I have huge calves, disproportionate to the rest of my body), but I found these dark denim stretch ones with a big gold button and now I love 'em. I'm wearing them today, and even though I'm sick and put no effort into what I look like, I look fierce. And that is the beauty of skinny jeans.

3) L.A. Ink-

What about that pirate? Will Musink become a success (rhetorical question, since it happened in the summer)? Is Pixie fired? If so, why? What's her problem? So many questions.

4) L.E.S. Artistes-

Hmm, no relation to the meaning of the song, but I love when people puke day-glo, so I give this five stars.

5) Edible Arrangments -

I hope my friends and family know that I'm totally down for edible arrangements.

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